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Lyuba Petrova Atanasova

作者: 时间:2021-04-21 点击数:

柳芭·阿塔娜索娃(Lyuba Atanasova),2013年来北外工作。教学认真,积极参与专业建设。她关爱学生,2019年,学生参加“我与外教”全国征文大赛荣获二等奖。她热爱中国文化,疫情期间在《人民日报》发表文章《这里是我的家》。

Born on April 19, 1973 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, Lyuba Petrova Atanasova, completed her primary and secondary education (Architecture and construction) in her hometown. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Bulgarian Philology at SWU ’’Neophit Pilski”. She has a master's degree in Semiotics of Literature, and in 2012 he successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on topic: The prose of Thomas Pynchon. Ideologies. Narrative techniques.

Twice Winner of the Gold Medal of the title of Outstanding graduates of South-West University “Neofith Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Republic of Bulgaria 2002, 2003.

Teacher of the Year in Sunday School for Slavonic languages, Nicosia, Cyprus

She works at SWU, first as an assistant, and later as a lecturer, leading courses such as: Theory of Literature; Western European literature; Methodology of teaching literature; Bulgarian Revival Literature; Culturology, as well as its author's courses: Academic writing (for philologists; for non-philologists); Semiotics of theater (for students of the Faculty of Arts); Western European literary modernism; The Nobel Prize for Literature; The modern novel. She also works as a teacher in secondary educational institutions Bulgarian language and literature for all levels; English literature for 10th and 11th grade in the English high school, and has working experience in: Beiging Foreign Studies University as Foreign language expert (Bulgarian language) 2013-2021; Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria, Beijing Bulgarian Sunday school Beijing as a Bulgarian language and literature teacher  2013-2018; Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria, Beijing at Bulgarian Sunday school Beijing as a Principal of Bulgarian Sunday school 2015-2018; SWU Neophit Rilslki Blagoevgrad Lecturer of Literary Theory; Lecturer of Bulgarian Renaissance Literature; Lecturer of Western Literature; Lecturer of Culturology (Cultural studies) 2005-2013; Secondary foreign languages school „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Blagoevgrad Bulgarian language and literature teacher 2002-2009; National Humanitarian High School, Blagoevgrad Bulgarian language and literature teacher 2003-2005, Sunday School for Slavonic languages, Nicosia, Cyprus as Teacher of Russian language 2001-2002 etc.

Lyuba Petrova Atanasova's research interests are mainly in the field of Literary modernism, focused mainly on the specifics and development of the Western European modern novel. There are publications related to the Teaching of literature for all stages of education; Literary theory; History of Bulgarian literature; Bulgarian language training for foreigners. She also works as a proofreader and editor of books in Bulgarian and Macedonian in several Bulgarian and Chinese publishing houses.

排列5历史开奖结果 - 排列5走势图带连线专业版 - 杭州热电 版权所有. 地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路2号/19号    邮编:100089  Supported by BFSU ITC


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